Tuesday, 3 July 2012

have adopted the Caribbean lifestyle mon

It took us very little time to chill out here. I keep losing things and forgetting what I'm doing, so I can honestly say I'm having a holiday.
Here's the type of thing we have to put up with.

Breakfast view.

View of our bungalow as we approach it via the water way (the only way)

The snorkelling team off on their first adventure.

Colton navigating for the bus driver who drove us to the boat to go to Maya Keys.

Colton then circumnavigated the island in his own way.....3,2,1, blast off!

More snorkelling off the pier.

The pier from my perspective.

The bride and groom at lunch.

After lunch we met some of the locals.

The usual craziness at dinner.

And nobody grouchy!

Can't wait for tomorrow's serenity.


  1. You didn't go snorkelling????????

  2. Guess which was our favourite photo today! The one of Colton on the bus would be a great picture even if it wasn't of our most favourite person in the world. And it was lovely to see him navigating the stepping stones. Of course that's not to say that we don't enjoy the vicarioius thrill of coffee and cocktails. The zoo looks pretty exciting too - especially the real live toucan.

  3. Way too much relaxing going on there while I am here with sick people- Peter and Isabel.....have a cocktail for me.xxx
