Saturday, 23 May 2015

consider the art of interactive gaming

On Mother's Day, Nick and I visited the Powerhouse in Brisbane. As opposed to the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney that Paul and I visited on the preceding Sunday.

Brisbane's version is very cool and as a re purposed space is highly successful; providing gallery space, performance space, architectural interest, historical nostalgia and good eating/drinking areas.

It doesn't take itself too seriously. See sign below.

The artistic event being presented was all about Interactive gaming. Flashbacks anyone?

Much of it went over my head, but there were themes that were consistent.

...and lovely.

Thought provoking.



And in some cases.... mundane....?

 We re aligned ourselves with the current universe, and strolled around New 
Farm park and along the river. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

visit the Gowings hotel in Sydney

As I mentioned previously, the QT hotel, renovated over the old mensware store Gowings in Sydney is a treat to visit.

I enjoyed breakfast here, but was so impressed that I had to drag Paul in to show it off.

My breakfast setting

She welcomes you as you arrive to the bistro and bar.

And in the lobby of the reception area, lots of lovely things to look at.

Note the pineapple in the beer bottle.

Their floral presentations were superb.

Next time we visit Sydney....

Friday, 8 May 2015

show you some shoes

Paul and I were in Sydney last weekend. He'd been there for work all week, so I invited myself along.

I had lots of plans, but the main one was to visit the Powerhouse Museum, which was holding a 'Shoe retrospective'. Isn't it great when things on your wish list eventuate?

So,here's some sharing of how it presented.

The lights were dim and full attention paid to shoe preservation.

Shoes going back to the 1600s

Men and women's, all sizes and other cultures mentioned.

... And the moderns

Catherine Martin, costume designer and wife to Director Baz Luhrmann has donated over 50 pairs of her custom made shoes to the exhibition. She's petite in real life, but her shoe size is quite large.

These gorgeous mannequins were in the foyer of the QT hotel in Market St. It was developed on the old Gowings Men Store, so called on vintage nostalgia as it's decor.

More about it another time.