Sunday, 23 December 2012

went to the Asia-Pacific Triennial No 7

Paul and I have enjoyed all of the APT exhibitions held at GOMA and QAG over the years.

The latest has just opened. What do you think of this?

It's on until April. Try it, you might like it.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

am loving a serendipitous outcome

In our last skype with Nick and Mey we discussed the possible dispersement of his Oz stored belongings. (Uganda transfer and all of that.)
Among these was his black leather couch which has spent good times with all the family.

In universe directed synchronicity, Rowan's house needed a new couch.
So Nick; Rowan, Dan and housemate Nick thank you very much for your Christmas donation.

Here it is loaded on Reg (as Myles lovingly calls his Ute) in our driveway just prior to delivery.

.... and here's Rowan taking ownership.

"I love it when a plan comes together!"

am finding my xmas spirit

I love door wreaths. In the US, they're used to signify holidays and the changing of the seasons.
Here's our christmassy door.

I was a bit upset at being outdone by this wreath at the Tommy Bahamas store in Noosa.

These mobile decorations also took my fancy.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Monday, 3 December 2012

am having a day at home

Apparently we're in for a heat wave today. 39 degrees are forecast.

This will work in well for me as I'm having a catch up day.
Emails, Xmas prep, finishing a special present.... not housework or cooking!

Last week was a bit tumultuous at work, so Paul and I headed for Noosa for a couple of days. My little piece of heaven and one of my top ten places to be in the world.

See why!

Noosa River

Noosa Heads beach

Sunday, 2 December 2012

have some more creative treasures to share

After going to a curator's talk at the Qld Museum, I crossed the bridge to look at an exhibition by papermakers in the Brisbane Central library.

These pieces particularly took my fancy.

I'm proud to say that this last piece was made by Tricia Smout, one of my talented creative friends.